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18. Juli 2024 - ganztägig

Beginn der Sommerferien

29. August 2024 - ganztägig


30. August 2024

Ende der Sommerferien

02. September - 8.15 Uhr

1. Schultag
Unterrichtsbeginn zur 2. Std.

02. September - 9.00 Uhr

Einschulung Kl. 7a, 7b, 7e

02. September - 10.30 Uhr

Einschulung Kl. 7c und 7d

02. September - 12.45 Uhr

Schulhoffest für Alle

02. September - 13.15 Uhr

Infoveranstaltung Q1 (Aula)




Englische Vorstellung


Berufs- und Studienorientierung


Austausch Polen 2024 1In this report, I would like to tell you about the exchange with the Polish students, which took place at our school from 11th until 15th March, 2024. Before I begin, I would like to express our gratitude to the organisations ,,Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk” and Erasmus+ for financing our exchange.

On the first day of our exchange program, a group of 10 students from our school took the train to the central station to pick up the Polish students. After everyone had picked up their exchange partner, we went home and spent some time together getting to know each other better.

On Tuesday me and my exchange student woke up at 6:30 am, because we needed to be in school at 8 am. At school, in the first and second lesson, we did some activities to learn more about each other. It was actually really interesting and at time also funny. Later on, in the third and fourth lesson, we did a school tour. We had to complete a few challenges and the idea was that the Polish students learn a bit more about our school. This was also fun. Around 11:30 am we were on our way to Reichstag. On the way there we stopped at the Brandenburger Gate to take some photos.

The whole report as pdf


  Austausch Polen 2024 2           Austausch Polen 2024 3