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Aktuelle Ausgabe der


Informationen zur Anmeldung
für das Schuljahr 2025/26







ab 11. Januar - ganztägig

Skifahrt 8e und GK Ski

14. Januar - ganztägig

Schnuppertag 10. Kl. - LK

14. Januar - 18.00 Uhr

Anmeldung im Sekratariat

15. Januar - ganztägig

Schnuppertag 10. Kl. - LK

15. Januar - 12.25 Uhr


ab 18. Januar - ganztägig

Skifahrt 8a und 8b

21. Januar - 1. - 4. Stunde

Schnuppertag 10. Kl. - LK

21. Januar - 18.00 Uhr

Anmeldung im Sekratariat

22. Januar - 1. - 4. Stunde

Schnuppertag 10. Kl. - LK

22. Januar - 18.00 Uhr

Infoabend Bläserklasse - Raum A1

ab 25. Januar - ganztägig

Skifahrt 8c und 8d

28. Januar - 18.00 Uhr

Anmeldung im Sekratariat

30. Januar - 14.15 Uhr

4. Schülervertretung

31. Januar - 10.35 Uhr

Zeugnisausgabe, Schluss
nach der 3. Stunde

3. Februar - ganztägig

Beginn der Winterferien









Berufs- und Studienorientierung


Weihnachtsmarkt 2019 EnglischOn December 14, 2018 the Carl-Friedrich-von-Siemens-Gymnasium organized a Christmas market. It started at 5pm and ended at 8pm.

Each class and each course had a stand. Since our school is an “environment school”, sustainability is the focus of our attention. So, very stand had to sell some things they made on their own or food, like milk carton purses, Christmas decorations, hot punch, grilled sausages and more. Our class sold purses and skyscrapers that were made out of milk or juice packages. The customers loved them! But we also had to do some advertising for more people to come. It worked just how we wanted. More and more people started to visit our stand and we sold most of our products. We earned over 130 euros. All the hard work during the last weeks has paid off.

There was a competition during the Christmas market: Who has the prettiest stand? Our stand looked really amazing. We decorated it with fairy lights, glowing stars, cotton (for it to look like snow) and colorful foil. Well… We didn’t win – but the 10b did! They sold homemade food and served hot tea. They really deserved it. Lukas, our class “godfather” even dressed up as an elf! Maybe that’s why they won. But at least we tried. Next year we will have a new chance to win the prize.

During the Christmas market there was also a little concert. Our class sang two songs to tons of people: “Carol of the bells” and “Morgen Kinder wird’s was geben”. Some students of us even played an instrument. Our class had the loudest applause We were very proud of ourselves.

The money each class earned with their products will be donated to a social organization. All in all, we think that this year’s Christmas market was so fun and beautiful and we recommend everyone to come next year.

Sirinda and Yanisa Polakowski (class 7b), Mrs. Lauenroth